#246 Obšar / Black Metal / Ⱑ / 10-10-2024

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Monday, October 7, 2024

#134 Flork Reviews: PSØL - Contradiction Syndrome (EP, 2024)

PSØL  - Contradiction Syndrome (EP, 2024)
By Flork

Almost a year ago, I had the chance to review PSØL’s debut EP.  If I remember correctly, I had predicted that they would be a promising young band who demonstrated talent and depth in their music, totally belying their newcomer status. And when we fast forward a year later, I can confirm my predictions.

Emerging as a breath of fresh, albeit sinister air in the death/stoner genre with their latest EP Contradiction Syndrome, PSØL have become masters at blending elements of stoner and southern rock, as well as a healthy dose of metal, especially death, in this four-track release, offering an eclectic mix of sounds that challenge the conventions of several genres (think also doom and sludge as well) while remaining a fierce and powerful statement of artistic resilience.


Opening with Dawntrapped, the “Kremenchuk quartet” lures listeners into their realm very quickly with its atmospheric introduction. This is an amazing track with hypnotic riffs and dynamic contrasts between clean and extreme vocals. I was mesmerised right from the start by the guitar work, which is intricate and still simple, and less reliant on heavy bar chords, opting instead for melodic strumming and picking patterns that feel groovy and almost jam-like.  You can hear the contrasts between the aggressive vocal delivery and the smooth instrumental sections, which create a captivating push-and-pull dynamic. Even the bass shines on this album, adding a funky undertone that contrasts with the more demonic vocal sections, hence the “contradiction syndrome”. The drums also keep the groove tight, but never overpower, making this album and group such a standout — a fusion of contradictory styles.

The other three tracks are as amazing as the first. Take Kuningooroo, for example, with its mysterious title and equally enigmatic sound, pushing further into the stoner and southern rock territory. This subtle approach to rhythm allows the song to breathe, giving it a distinctive, laid-back swagger amidst the moments of chaos. Or Deathward, another gem that cranks up the intensity, but continues to contradict typical death metal heaviness. And of course, Postmoderninja, which is a wild, genre-bending finale. It brings together everything that makes Contradiction Syndrome stand out: clean, soaring vocals paired with gremlin growls and groovy basslines, mixing metal and southern rock guitar work that somehow gels seamlessly.

And the Florkman’s prognosis? There’s definitely a playful energy in the way PSØL experiments with different textures, all the while maintaining a dark, heavy atmosphere that listeners will appreciate. They draw from a diverse range of influences, both modern and classic and demonstrate their talent professionally in the craftmanship of their songs. Contradiction Syndrome and PSØL themselves definitely get high marks for this little gem of an EP. They prove there’s room for groove, experimentation, and resilience.

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