#145 Flork Reviews: UchafU - UchafU (2025)

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Thursday, June 15, 2023

#79 Flork Reviews: Raznutra – Skrz Mámor (2023)


Raznutra – Skrz Mámor (2023)

by Flork


Every now and then, an album comes along full of instrumentation and potential that I sit back for a long moment and think, God I love my job! And Skrz Mámor by the Zvolen-based group Raznutra is one of such albums that affects me in this way. Right from the get-go, listeners are almost hypnotised by the haunting grunts of something unknown, possibly a golem or a crocodile with constipation, as Všetky cesty (All roads) opens up the journey across the marble so to speak. And except for this track, all the songs on the album have just one-word titles. Odpojení (Disconnected) is the first composition you will hear with all the instruments played together, and although the vocals sound a bit off-key (just a tad), the song itself is really good with cool bass riffs and laden with heavy energy. And regarding the vocals, I’m not saying that they are bad, in fact, I like them very much, as they sound a bit like Sid Vicious singing Frank Sinatra in My Way (Hmnn, I see a connection of sorts). But the vocalist sounds way better when he belts it out and lets it all go. You can hear his passion in Vedenie (Leading), which is my personal favourite on the album. And even better, the female harmonisation in the background adds the perfect touch to a very catchy tune, keeping me hooked to the sound and melody. Actually, you will hear a lot of interesting stuff throughout the album, from light guitars and heavy chords (Prúd) to haunting instrumentals (Všetky cesty (All roads) and Vrstvy (Layers)).

One of the standouts of Skrz Mámor is the final track Nova, where the album culminates into a near-epic composition full of psychedelic guitar riffs and heavy power chords. The singing is really good here, as are the drum beats, since they are not the usual heavy bass thuds that one might think would be played on such a track. And that’s why I enjoy this album, every song contains original elements apart from the others.

For a first album, I give the band a big thumbs up on this one. As I said above, there is a lot of potential with this group and if they can keep their chemistry alive and kicking, they will go far in the industry.


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