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Friday, November 18, 2022

#51 Flork Reviews: Otras / Pakosteň - Split (EP 2022)


Otras/Pakosteň - Split (EP 2022)


Split is a 3-song Ep collaboration by Otras and Pakosteň that helps satisfy cravings for new music from both bands while larger projects are still in development.

The songs are great, with Otras playing the first 2 tracks, Pranier (Cage of Shame) and Semenom Zla (Seeds of Evil) and Pakosteň rounding off the list with Čadca (City in Northern Slovakia). Both groups provide a heavy dose of blank metal punk, sprinkled with elements of hardcore and the fury that accompanies it. My favourite is by far Pranier, with its screeching vocals and speed drumming. It’s an awesome track with carefully-timed change-ups and enough room for each instrument to share the limelight. There are loads of moments where all you can hear is either the bass or the guitar before the drums and vocals intrude and disturb the peace. But I also like Semenom Zla, the shorter of the two. It sounds quite similar to the former, at least in terms of tempo and screams, yet it balances out the two tracks perfectly.

Čadca is a beat slower, but equally as heavy. I’ve been to the city of Čadca and just listening to this song, I can envision the dreariness and boredom of its residents. It’s not a bad place, in fact it has a lot to offer with its mountainous backdrop and isolation from the rest of Slovakia. So, I’m not surprised that such a song would be written about it. I can’t understand any of the words, since it’s all sung in Slovak, but I doubt that I would understand it in English anyways, since the vocals are deep and growly. But the lyrics are available on the bandcamp website and paint a dreary picture of everything being covered in concrete, or dead, cold, or possibly all three. It packs a huge punch and I love listening to it.

Overall, it’s a good Ep and nice to see the band join forces, even if they don’t actually play together. And as I mentioned at the beginning, it will satisfy the cravings of fans of both groups who are impatient for a longer release.



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