#145 Flork Reviews: UchafU - UchafU (2025)

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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

#120 Flork Reviews: Endless Well - Чырвоная ніць (Red Night) (2021)


Endless Well - Чырвоная ніць (Red Night)
 By Flork!

It’s quite possible that the symphonic doom metal outfit Endless Well is Belarus’s best-kept secret. I stumbled across them quite by accident one night when they popped up after the conclusion of a Spotify playlist I had been passively listening to while swiping left (also endlessly, no pun intended) on the Tinder application I keep installed for some reason on my smartphone. Suddenly, I was reawakened by a strange, yet sublime combination of a soprano diva with the rough edges of a symphonic doom ensemble as her backrop. My interest and curiosity were piqued by the track I was listening to Дзiкае Паляванне (Wild Hunt), and for the first time in a long while, I was compelled to investigate further. A quick internet search did not provide me with much, but I was able to piece a bit of intel together from the snippets about them that I found on Encyclopaedia Metallum and a call for album funding support posted on Youtube.

Emerging with their debut full-length album Чырвоная ніць (Red Night) released in 2021, this album marks a significant milestone for the band, being their first full-length release following their formation in 2017 and the prior release of their 2018 EP „I“. Notably, the incorporation of Mariya Bulda as the lead vocalist seems to have also propelled the Minsk-based ensemble to a new height, as she infuses their sound with a haunting elegance and operatic prowess that has previously been unseen or unheard. This departure from their EP, where Bulda‘s presence was absent, signifies a pivotal moment for the band, as they craft an original sonic identity that sets them apart in the metal landscape. „Alluring“ is the best word I can think of to describe my listening experience.

Diving into the heart of Чырвоная ніць, the album captivates listeners with their sheer originality and depth. Each composition exhibits the band members‘ individual talents and their tight cohesion as a unit. From the ominous atmosphere of the opening track Пуць (The Way) to the primal energy of Лясны Гаспадар (Master of the Forest), every instrument is meticulously woven together, creating a crushing sound that is both mesmerizing and immersive. Daniil Yushkevitch‘s guitar work evokes a range of emotions from despair to triumph, while Dmitrii Podgornyi‘s basslines provide a solid foundation that anchors the music in a sea of darkness. Even the drumming by Shen adds a dynamic layer of intensity, driving the songs forward with precise timing and adding an element of drama to the changes. Add Maryia Bulda‘s vocals to the mix, which, by the way, soar high above the well-organised chaos, and you are blessed with a haunting elegance to the proceedings. I would never have imagined that such vocals could express the folk elements in the compositions so exquisitely — so different and so much better than screechy gremlin vocals.

What truly sets Чырвоная ніць apart is the seamless transition between each track, with one flowing effortlessly into the next. This cohesive approach to songwriting not only brings the listening experience to a completely different level, but also allows the album to unfold as a singular, cohesive work of art. Whether it's the atmospheric melodies of Песнь Паэта (The Poet’s Song) or the thunderous onslaught of Дзiкае Паляванне (Wild Hunt - Flork’s personal favourite), each transition feels natural and carries a purpose. My other favourites are Час (Time), with its ambient and primal energy, and Лясны Гаспадар (Master of the Forest), both of which rock heavily. The album ends as it begins, on a heavy note with Жывi (Alive), and, much like the name of the band, you find yourself in freefall in an endless abyss of emotion and a craving for more.  

And the Florkman’s prognosis? Чырвоная ніць (Red Night) is a hidden gem within Belarus‘s alternative metal scene, a scene so unknown to the rest of Europe or the world for that matter. As the band navigates through funding challenges to embark on their next musical endeavor, one thing remains certain: Endless Well is an act with great talent and potential to go far beyond its boundaries. Personally, I love this band and look forward to hearing more from them in the future. I totally recommend giving Чырвоная ніць a listen to, since it‘s not just a carefully crafted collection of songs, but a mesmerising musical journey, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the dark and enchanting world of Endless Well‘s own alluring brand of symphonic doom metal.

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