#257 Nekrodeus / Blackened Sludge Crust / Paul / 28.2.2025

  1. Who are you, what do you do, and what interests you the most these days? I'm Paul. I play drums in a band called Nekrodeus among o...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

#38 Flork Reviews: 0n0 - Unwavering Resonance (2022)

0n0 – Unwavering Resonance (2022)

By Flork

Whoa!!! Imagine being shot by a photon laser and being smashed against a wall into thousands of little pieces, or being flung millions of miles away from a catapult and shooting through a black hole in a far corner of the universe. Unwavering Resonance does just that. The third release by the Slovak death and doom trio ONO delivers a heavy dose of atmospheric guitars, vocals, and drums that sends the listener far, far away across the endless darkness of the abyss beyond our world. This is undoubtedly one of the most compelling albums to be released in recent memory.

Unwavering Resonance consists of four tracks, each of them (except for Shattering) are around 10 minutes long and are all colossal masterpieces in nature. ONO blends all the elements of death, black, and doom with touches of sludge, post and industrial metal, all of which coexist comfortably under an atmospheric wall of sound. In fact, some of it is very cathedral-like, which is especially evident in the title and final track, Wander the Vacant Twilight. These two compositions soften and tame the assault and destruction caused by Clay Weight and Shattering, both of which create the heavier side of the track list. All of it adds up to an explosion (or several, I should mention) with deadly and crashing crescendos abounding everywhere, pushing the genre(s) way past its boundaries.

ONO is certainly a talented group of songwriters who show skill and mastery on their instruments. Each song has been carefully composed and mixed wonderfully in the studio, since there is so much variety of sound throughout the album. There are no stretched-out, repetitive guitar riffs, nor any catchy tunes for that matter. Each track is an original symphony of doom that doesn’t give other genres of metal the chance to escape. Post, doom, black, death — all have their moments on this album. Unwavering Resonance is a must-listen for all who love heavy and dark music.

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