#257 Nekrodeus / Blackened Sludge Crust / Paul / 28.2.2025

  1. Who are you, what do you do, and what interests you the most these days? I'm Paul. I play drums in a band called Nekrodeus among o...

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Friday, February 3, 2023

#62 Flork Reviews: Dilemma - Low Profile Scream (2012)


Dilemma - Low Profile Scream (2012)

by Flork

As we settle into the groove of 2023 with January out of the way and the shortest month of the year around the corner, I think about the plethora of great music still being produced in the world. 2022 was a shite year for many of us, despite emerging after 2 years of lockdowns and strict measures. But regardless of the despair and uncertainty we face everyday (I personally check my smartphone each morning before getting out of bed to see whether the planet has blown-up or not), there are still loads of bands producing great music with even greater optimism. And one thing I love about Ján Spišák’s solo project Dilemma is that it draws the listener into a musical journey that is both uplifting and somewhat haunting, since it blends driving guitar riffs and Spišák’s soulful lyrics, resulting in an album full of compositions that are both raw and well-refined.

And for me, the Florkster, as I prefer to call myself (Mrs. Flork hates this name, preferring other pet names which may or may not be offensive to most, but of which I have become accustomed) I am enthralled by the powerful vocals which balance raw emotion and musical finesse. All of the songs are sung in English (except "L’amour", which is partly sung in French and is a ballad of powerful and intimate proportions) and can easily compete on an international level. Ján’s vocals are raspy in a grungie sort of way, but he hits the high notes as well, proving his diverse range in vocal octaves and talent as a serious singer. But its the songs themselves that speak for themselves. They are all full of emotion and memorable rhythms, like "Big Beat“ or "Unless“, where the band is in full-throttle mode with introspective lyrics and choruses that will stick in your head for days. And what’s great is that they are all like this. For example, „Oh No“ and „Shopping“ with their thundering drums and driving beats are just awesome songs. Interestingly, the album begins with an intro "CelloRiff", which is an instrumental opening dominated by the cello, and an outro "Moment Forever", which closes the album with thought-provoking texts and a somber mood created by the instruments. All of the songs have the ability to be standalone hits, but my favourite is "L’amour", since it is so touching and sung so beautifully, whoever the song was written for can count themselves very special.

Whether you are looking to rock out or just soak up the soul-stirring lyrics and vocals, this album has something for eveyone. I also need to note that the production is top-notch with no details being omitted or superceded by more dominating sounds, which happens all too frequently in alternative rock productions. Whoever produced this album obviously knows their way around a sound board and studio. Overall, with its well-written compositions and Ján Spišák’s undoubted talent as a singer-songwriter, this album gets a 10 out of 10 in the Florkster’s books. It will definitely stay inside your head long after the last notes have all faded away.



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