#257 Nekrodeus / Blackened Sludge Crust / Paul / 28.2.2025

  1. Who are you, what do you do, and what interests you the most these days? I'm Paul. I play drums in a band called Nekrodeus among o...

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Monday, May 2, 2022

#24 Flork! Reviews: Pakosteň - Živý bič (2021)


Pakosteň - Živý Bič (2021)
By Flork  (contact)

I have to admit that this is the first time I’ve ever listened to black metal punk. And actually I’m ok with it. If this is how it’s supposed to sound, then Pakosteň pull it off extremely well.

I mean, black metal punk is really a  combo of both genres coexisting in individual songs. This means that Živý Bič isn’t a rotation of punk and black metal tunes, but rather a unique experiment of playing the two genres concurrently. With that said, you might get a better picture of 3-chord riffs with a flat note mixed in, all blending well with deep, growly vocals, which is especially heard on the opening track Reťazová Kúpeľ. It continues with Moja Zima Nikdy Nekončí, which is kind of punk at its heart, but leans more towards black metal. 


It all seems a bit confusing, I know, but the formula seems to work for the most part and the tracks are definitely interesting to listen to. They aren’t completely 50-50 blends of the two genres, since some of them are a bit more hardcore or metal while others could be judged as blackened punk. None of the tracks are overly long as punk music should be, but they are neither fast-paced nor anarchistic in sound. For the most part, the themes are black metal in nature and evoke images of whips and torture like on Živý Bič, yet there are no added atmospheric effects or dramatic pauses and crescendos. Well perhaps Zbytky dňa is the one exception, with a wall of sound backdrop and gothic atmospheric verses, although it does change around the halfway point to a different tempo, but still remains black metal at its core. It’s also the longest track on the EP.

For a debut EP, Živý Bič is definitely a good listen. I liked them and can hear the originality in their music. There is a lot of potential in the Prague-based group, who are comprised of former or still active members of Plešatá Zpěvačka, Mravcolev and Hydrauliter. And it should be mentioned that all the tracks were self-recorded. For the time being, Živý Bič can be purchased from the bandcamp.com website either in digital format or cassette.

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